
  • 馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處勞工中心,是菲律賓海外就業署(POEA)所屬的就業暨勞動部和海外勞工福利部(OWWA)在台灣的代表辦公室。同時也提供社會安全系統(SSS)和民宅共同基金(PAG-IBIG Fund)的申請服務。
  • 基於此,馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處勞工中心的主要功能,是根據菲律賓及台灣的法律、政策規定及勞工的勞動契約來保護海外菲律賓勞工在台灣的權益。
  • 勞工中心也藉由提供相關資訊、訓練及其他的服務而提升海外菲律賓勞工的福利。
  • 在所擴大提供的福利協助之中,馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處勞工中心協助處理勞工所面臨的騷擾等相關案件、工作時所遭逢的意外事故、死亡及健康方面的問題、職場上所承受身體和口頭上的騷擾及行蹤不明勞工的協助搜尋等。我們同時也提供安置服務給遭遇急難的勞工,以協助其遣送回國或轉換至其他雇主。
  • 為了確保勞動契約及相關文件符合菲律賓及台灣雙邊的政策,勞工中心評估及驗證仲介公司的證照和勞動契約等相關文件,也包含了透過台灣特別聘雇方案之下所申請的勞動契約及相關文件。
  • 藉由諮詢雇主、承包商、船東、台灣仲介公司及拜訪工廠、工業區及加工區等方式,勞工中心也可協搜尋相關工作機會給在台灣的菲律賓勞工。 
    電話: 02-2658-9210; 02-2658-9211 
    傳真: 02-2658-9123
    網站使用相關問題: mecolaborcenter@gmail.com​

About Us

  • The MECO Migrant Workers Office (MWO) is the representative office of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) and the Overseas Worker Welfare Administration (OWWA) in Taiwan. It also integrates the services of the Social Security System (SSS) and the PAG-IBIG Fund.
  • As such, the MECO-MWO functions primarily to protect the rights of overseas Filipino workers in Taiwan based on the Philippine and Taiwan labor laws, policies and rules as well as their employment contract.
  • MWO also advances the welfare of OFWs by providing information, training and other services.
  • In extending welfare assistance, the MECO-MWO helps address issues and problems involving harassment cases, occupational related accidents, death and health issues, work-related physical and verbal abuse, and needed assistance to locate missing OFW. It also provides custodial service to distressed OFWs needing repatriation or transfer to other employers.
  • To ensure compliance of workers employment contracts and related documents to both Philippines & Taiwanese policies, the Center evaluates, verifies brokers' licenses, employment contracts and related documents, including employment contracts and related documents submitted under the Special Hiring Program for Taiwan (SHPT).
  • The Center also seeks to identify acceptable job opportunities for Filipino workers in Taiwan through consultations with employers, contractors, ship owners, Taiwan manpower agencies and visits to factories and industrial and processing zones. 

    For more information, please contact us: 
    Address: 2F., No.55-57, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 
    Tel: 02-2658-9210; 02-2658-9211 
    Fax: 02-2658-9123
    IT service: mecolaborcenter@gmail.com


  1. 能力 – 根據技能標準顯示其具有良好的能力,及具有適應學習及應用新技術的能力。
  2. 良好的溝通者 – 通常能以英語溝通,若是給予適當機會也能學習當地語言。
  3. 擁有多樣技能 – 喜好獲取新技能,渴望成為通才。他/她通常擁有多樣的技術與才能,也樂於學習及發現新的知識與技能。透過” 聽力”而即興演出的能力也相當出色。
  4. 工作倫理 – 在工作上能展現他的勤奮及遵守紀律。重視團隊精神,他能對其所屬單位展現出效忠、奉獻及尊重的工作態度。具有創新精神及提供該產業一股穩定的力量。具圓融的個性,能夠處理工作上的需求及壓力。
  5. 人群導向 – 容易適應外國文化和工作環境。通常相當友善,能以正面的態度與其他人民及同事相處。
  6. 強烈的家庭及宗教觀念 – 為其家庭幸福和所信仰的上帝是他/她努力工作的動機。


  1. 菲律賓擁有豐沛高度教育及訓練過的人力資源,通常能以良好的英語進行溝通。
  2. 資訊科技及工程公司在擴張其亞洲業務時,通常選擇菲律賓資訊科技專業人士及工程師做為其設計主力。
  3. 事實上,根據研究報告顯示技術性勞工已連續四年成為菲律賓國力之首。
  4. 多年來,亞洲的執行長們已經將菲律賓名列為亞太技術性勞工來源國的首選。

Profile of the Filipino Worker

  1. ABILITY – has a good level of competence based on skills standards and adaptability to learn and apply new skills.
  2. FACILITY FOR COMMUNICATION – generally could speak the English language and able to learn local language if given opportunity to learn. 
  3. POSSESSION OF VARIOUS SKILLS – has fondness for acquiring new skills, tends to aspire to be a jack-of-all-trades. He/She is usually endowed with diverse skills and talents and has an aptitude for learning and discovering new knowledge and skills. Noted for his capacity to improvise or play things “by ear’. 
  4. WORK ETHICS – shows diligence and discipline in his work. Believes in teamwork, is loyal and dedicated and respects authority. Has a natural, innovative spirit and inherent capacity for industry. Has a sound temperament and can cope with the demands and pressures of work.
  5. PEOPLE ORIENTED – can easily adjust to foreign cultures and work environment. Is generally friendly and has a positive outlook in his relationship with other people and co-workers.
  6. STRONG FAMILY AND RELIGIOUS TIES – His/Her strongest motivation for work is the welfare of his family and his/her belief in God.​

Why Hire Filipinos?

  1. The Philippines has abundant supply of highly educated, highly trainable workforce with good command of the English language. 
  2. Information technology and engineering companies expanding their reach in Asia usually choose the Philippines for the design capabilities of Filipino IT professionals and engineers.
  3. Skilled labor, in fact, has been highlighted in the study for the fourth straight year as the Philippines’ No. 1 strength.
  4. For many years now, executives in Asia have rated the Philippines as among the top source countries in the Asia-Pacific region for skilled labor.





For more information,please contact us:


2F., No.55-57, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

